David Hulse, HeartLight Spiritual Guide, Celebrates 60 Years of Ministry!
Sixty years ago, David Hulse had two experiences that formed the foundation of his ministry:
The first experience was a vision of a deep dark colored heart with the most luminous, shiny pearl-white light heart in the center pulsating with vitality. The dark heart represented the heart that holds the programming for fear and all of the things that are not love. The voice within instructed David to feed the light heart by sharing a message of love and light instead of a message of fear.
In the second experience the voice within asked him to gather a dozen yellow roses to present to Light. As he began the search, he could only find 1 perfect rose at each location. As he presented the 12 perfect roses, the Light said to him: “Go into all the religions of the world and gather my fragments of truth and present them to my people.”
As he reflects on sixty years of being faithful to those foundational experiences, David shares, “Later I realized all of the places I have walked in where other people have said you are going to be deceived, or that this is the occult, or that you should stay out of that—in all of these places that I have gone into or mindsets that I have explored, I have metaphorically found a perfect flower of truth and I have gathered that. And the ministry that you see today is the product of all those experiences of gathering together all of these different fragments of truth that I believe, has been somewhat held back from the masses. Certainly, we live in a time that what has been in secret will be shouted from the housetops! And that’s what I have always tried to do, to come from the premise of love and non-judgment and to feed the Christ, the living divinity that is in and is now becoming as us!”
We invite you to join us to celebrate 60 years of David being true to his assignment of raising consciousness through a message of love and hope!
The first experience was a vision of a deep dark colored heart with the most luminous, shiny pearl-white light heart in the center pulsating with vitality. The dark heart represented the heart that holds the programming for fear and all of the things that are not love. The voice within instructed David to feed the light heart by sharing a message of love and light instead of a message of fear.
In the second experience the voice within asked him to gather a dozen yellow roses to present to Light. As he began the search, he could only find 1 perfect rose at each location. As he presented the 12 perfect roses, the Light said to him: “Go into all the religions of the world and gather my fragments of truth and present them to my people.”
As he reflects on sixty years of being faithful to those foundational experiences, David shares, “Later I realized all of the places I have walked in where other people have said you are going to be deceived, or that this is the occult, or that you should stay out of that—in all of these places that I have gone into or mindsets that I have explored, I have metaphorically found a perfect flower of truth and I have gathered that. And the ministry that you see today is the product of all those experiences of gathering together all of these different fragments of truth that I believe, has been somewhat held back from the masses. Certainly, we live in a time that what has been in secret will be shouted from the housetops! And that’s what I have always tried to do, to come from the premise of love and non-judgment and to feed the Christ, the living divinity that is in and is now becoming as us!”
We invite you to join us to celebrate 60 years of David being true to his assignment of raising consciousness through a message of love and hope!
Diamond Celebration Events:
Labor Day Weekend: September 2-4, 2022
Friday @ 7:00 PM Song and Stories: David shares his journey. Saturday @ 6:30 PM – Diamond Celebration Appreciation Dinner 8/8/22 - SOLD OUT Watch the celebration program LIVE on www.HeartLightCharlotte.org at approx 8:00 PM Saturday, September 3, 2022. Other events that weekend are open to anyone. Join us Friday night and/or Sunday morning. Sunday @ 11:15 AM – HeartLight Sunday Celebration Service
After Service – Pot Luck Fellowship Where: HeartLight Spiritual Center 7300 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte NC 29262 Lodging: Hampton Inn University $119/night Group Rate Group Link: https://group.hamptoninn.com/s9hvmh Expires August 14 More information: Contact Tim at 704-936-6003 [email protected] www.HeartLightCharlotte.org |